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Pape O. Fall's Blog


I ran into an issue today logging into UCS Manager where I received the following error: Login Error: java.io.IOException: Invalid Http response Login Error: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: http://10.x.x.x:443/nuova This is due to an interoperability issue with Java 7 Update 45 and the UCSM GUI. There are several methods to [ Read More ]
This use case consist of a company wanting to temporarily extend the users broadcast domain from one site to another. The issue here is that the sites are geophysically disjointed and each remote site only has a DIA circuit. In order to resolve the problem, we need a solution capable of encapsulating L2 traffic through [ Read More ]
One of the benefits of a DMVPN network is that the encrypted tunnels are built on top of DIA circuits more often than not. In that sense, the remote sites typically defer in terms of circuit bandwidth. Per-Tunnel QoS is an effective way to apply QoS policies on the hub router(s) on a per-tunnel instance [ Read More ]
In this specific use case, I will show you how to enable dual DMVPN clouds going over ASA firewalls as well as IPSec encryption. We will also take it up a notch and demonstrate DMVPN Phase 3 (Spoke to Spoke Communication), VRF configuration (We will be placing the source of the tunnels into their own [ Read More ]

A Little About Myself

Hello I'm Pape. My friends call me Pop. I'm CCIE #48357. I enjoy my field and love to share it with others. I love to write so I'm sharing my blog with you.

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March 2025